Shaping Future Leaders: Insights from RWU’s 顾问委员会

校友 who serve on the RWU 顾问委员会 visited the Bristol campus to offer advice to student leaders on how to leverage leadership roles in the workplace.

Board of Advisor panelist at the front of the room with names cards in front of them
RWU的顾问委员会成员, 从左到右:辛迪·埃尔德,87年, Walter Ramos, 83年, 斯蒂芬妮·诺里斯92年毕业, Eric Zuena, 01年.

布里斯托尔,R.I. – 上个月, four alumni who serve on the Roger Williams University 顾问委员会 met with 40 student leaders on campus to share their advice on how to succeed as leaders in the corporate world while learning from current 学生 about the real-world education, 强大的组合, 以及RWU今天提供的蓬勃发展的学生生活. 

辛迪·埃尔德87年, Executive Director of the Barrington Land Conservation Trust; 斯蒂芬妮·诺里斯92年毕业, President and Founder of Norbella; Walter Ramos, 83年, President and CEO of Rogerson Communities; Eric Zuena, 01年, Principal and Founder of ZDS Architecture and Interiors, participated in a panel discussion titled “Navigating Corporate Culture: Tips for Young Professionals on Leveraging Their Leadership Roles.为RWU学生领袖组织的, the event was hosted by RWU’s Center for Career and Professional Development and moderated by senior Dylan Berliner, 卡托纳的金融专业, N.Y.

委员会成员 顾问委员会, 由RWU校友组成的义工领导团体, 父母, 以及体现RWU精神的朋友们, 作为RWU使命的坚定倡导者, 学生, 和校友. 在参观校园期间, 成员们深入研究了校园生活的结构, engaging with current initiatives and gaining insight into the pulse of student affairs. 反过来, 在活动中与董事会互动的40名学生, who each occupy a leadership position within various clubs, 学生参议院, 以及其他校园角色, provided firsthand perspectives on their experiences at the university. 

Berliner began the discussion by asking the panelists to talk about their career journeys, including what roadblocks they hit along the way and to offer advice on how to transition their leadership roles from campus to the professional world. Other members of the 顾问委员会 attending as audience members were encouraged to add to the discussion. 

斯蒂芬妮·诺里斯92年毕业, RWU顾问委员会成员, 与一名参加会议的学生领导交谈.
斯蒂芬妮·诺里斯92年毕业, RWU顾问委员会成员, 在右边, speaks with one of the RWU student leaders who attended the event.

Drawing from their personal journeys, here is what they shared:

  • Ramos said that you shouldn’t shy away from the things you don’t think are your strengths. “我的数学一直很差, 但如果我想学习如何经营一家公司, 我要做预算和审计. 我一直在接受涉及这些技能的任务, and I don’t think I would’ve gotten where I am today without it,他说.

  • Using a sports analogy, Zuena explained how to build a strong team in the workplace. “You have to try to identify the best position for everybody on a team. 不是每个人都能成为四分卫, but everyone needs to contribute to be motivated and to help the morale of the team,他说. “If there's one person who's not motivated, they can suck life out of the team. 明智地选择你的人.”

  • 说到职场关系的重要性, 老说, “如果你刚进入一个工作场所, try to go around to other departments and introduce yourself and ask them about what their department does and how your department can support them. 人们喜欢被倾听,”她说.

  • “When you are newly in a leadership position, feedback is so important,” said Noris. “The times I was made aware of my behaviors have been pivotal moments in my career where I stepped back and said, ‘哇, 这种情况必须改变.“我总是因此而变得更好.”
