SECCM Labs Celebrates Completion


By Anna Cohen
People in the CM lab
RWU community members tour the Materials & Methods Lab.

罗杰·威廉姆斯社区看着这栋建筑从地基开始成长. Now, SECCM Labs is buzzing with activity. This morning, 社区以开放日的形式庆祝建筑的竣工, 其中包括学生带领的参观和与SECCM教职员工的对话. 

“这实际上打开并增强了我们的能力. This is much more cutting-edge. 我们很高兴能使用它,”工程学助理教授Maija Benitz说. 

Watch SECCM Labs Grow

"I actually have classes in here. I'm excited to use the new open spaces. The white boards and everything are a nice addition. Now you can work on projects really easily," said Jessica Jensen, an RWU senior studying computer engineering.  She led curious students, faculty, and staff on tours through the three-story, state-of-the-art building. 

当社区成员第一次探索实验室时,气氛很乐观. 旁观者向赛科姆的工作人员提问,并对一系列的技术感到惊叹. While some students were there for the Open House, others were chatting with friends, working in the common spaces, or going to class. 

"It’s definitely nice to have another building. There’s more space. It looks more high-tech, high-rent," said Jack Marchioni, mechanical engineering major and RWU senior, as he settled in for a class in the Electrical Engineering Lab. 

SECCM实验室将实验室工作带到布里斯托尔校园的中心, 让学生接触到最新的技术,让更大的社区见证他们的行动. 

“最大的变化是,一楼的实验室取代了我们在布里斯托尔市中心租赁的一个空间. 有他们在这里的便利使得和学生一起工作更容易," said William Palm, Associate Professor of Engineering. 

我们跟随Jensen进行了一次参观,了解了SECCM实验室为工程提供的服务, computer science, 建筑管理专业的学生以及更大的RWU社区. 看看我们的发现,并在SECCM实验室停下来自己看看.